Fact – Check #1 Tide Pods discontinued?

On ABC news they draw attention to Tide replying to a tweet from a twitter user, Meme meme boy, @iquer119; about their tide pods being discontinued.

In the news article they speak about how Doctors have discussed different issues that eating tide pods can do to a persons health throughout their life.

Long term affects:

as told by Dr. Sarang Koushik include:

  • breathing problems
  • damage to the esophagus from the corrosive ingredients
  • burns
  • blood pressure changes
  • gastrointestinal problems
  • neurological symptoms
  • including loss of consciousness

Some users of the “tide pod challenge” has had different Affects after eating the detergent.

Affects right after eating the pod can include:

  • foaming at the mouth
  • coughing frantically

Tide says that they are used safely in households. But the internet craze of “the tide pod challenge” says differently. Screenshot (26)









But the reason behind why Meme meme boy questioned Tide for the discontinuation of tide pods in stores was because of an earlier tweet saying they will be removing it on February first. But snopes had found that tweet to be false.

The removal of tide pods in stores on February 1st will not happen, according to Tide’s reply tweet.